Saffron and its nutritional value

Saffron: Exotic spice rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.


Nutritional value of saffron
Saffron contains many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The following is an explanation of the nutritional value of saffron in a teaspoon, equivalent to 0.7 grams:

Calories: 2.17 calories.
Protein: 0.08 grams.
Fat: 0.041 grams.
Carbohydrates: 0.458 grams.
Dietary fiber: 0.027 grams.
Calcium: 0.777 mg.
Iron: 0.078 mg.
Magnesium: 1.85 mg.
Phosphorus: 1.76 mg.
Potassium: 12.1 mg.
Sodium: 1.04 mg.
Zinc: 0.008 mg.
Copper: 0.002 mg.
Manganese: 0.199 mg.
Selenium: 0.039 micrograms
Vitamin C: 0.566 mg.
Thiamine: 0.001 mg.
Riboflavin: 0.002 mg.
Niacin: 0.01 mg
Vitamin B6: 0.007 mg.
Folic acid: 0.651 micrograms.
Vitamin A: 3.71 IU.
Permissible amount of saffron
It is allowed to eat saffron in the following quantities:

Take it as a nutritional supplement: 1.5 grams daily.
To treat depression: 30 mg of saffron extract, or 100 mg of saffron daily for up to 12 weeks.
To treat premenstrual syndrome: 15 mg of saffron extract twice daily.
Menstrual cramps: 500 mg of a product containing saffron, celery seed and anise extracts.
Benefits of saffron for the body
There are many benefits of saffron that make this spice a valuable ingredient around the world. Saffron has been used since ancient times for cooking purposes, the textile industry and some perfumes. It is believed that saffron has been used for 3,500 years to treat a large number of medical conditions. The benefits of saffron include:

Benefits of saffron for the heart
The benefits of saffron for the heart include:

Saffron contains many different chemical components that may help lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and provide protection against heart disease.
A study published in the Indian Journal of Medical Sciences found that saffron reduces the possibility of tissue damage that may be caused by harmful cholesterol.
Researchers believe that the benefits of saffron and its antioxidant properties may have a protective effect against heart disease as well.
Crocetin (the active compound in saffron) protects the heart from diseases such as cardiac hypertrophy.
Benefits of saffron for women
Saffron offers the following benefits to women:

Alleviating menstrual symptoms, or so-called premenstrual syndrome, which includes a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, such as mood swings and other physical symptoms. Some women are affected by this syndrome more than others. Saffron may be a good option to relieve these symptoms without resorting to medications. Research published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology showed that the benefits of saffron for women are that it is an effective treatment for annoying disorders that precede menstruation. Another study published in the magazine showed that saffron can be used as a good treatment to reduce menstrual pain in women between the ages of 20-45 years. Researchers found that 15 mg of saffron twice daily is effective in relieving these symptoms.
Protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays because it acts as a natural protective agent to absorb ultraviolet rays, because it contains flavonoids.
Beautifying the skin, as it can contribute to skin whitening.
For more: Foods that provide protection for the skin from the sun's rays in summer. What are they?

Benefits of saffron for pregnant women
During pregnancy, a woman must be careful in consuming herbs and spices, which may negatively affect her pregnancy. As for saffron, a woman must avoid eating it in the first three months, because it may cause miscarriage.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women can eat it in small quantities, approximately 0.5-2 grams. Among the benefits of saffron for pregnant women is the treatment of the following conditions:

Digestive disorders.
For the last trimester of pregnancy, saffron can be taken near the time of delivery, as it can help stimulate labor and dilate the cervix.

Benefits of saffron for sex
The benefits of saffron for men include that it contributes to the following:

Strengthening erection.
Preventing erectile dysfunction.
Increase sexual desire.
Reaching orgasm.
Other benefits of saffron
Saffron is a spice rich in nutrients, so it provides many benefits to the body. Other benefits of saffron include:

Benefits of saffron to strengthen memory: The active substances found in saffron (crocin and crocetin) help in the learning process and support memory functions. The percentage of benefits of saffron in improving learning and memory problems is very high. Saffron may also help in treating some diseases that affect the brain, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
Benefits of saffron for cancer prevention: Among the benefits of saffron for cancer prevention, we mention the following:
Saffron is rich in antioxidants that help protect the body from free radicals.
Saffron also contains flavonoids, which are chemical substances found in plants that help the plant protect itself from fungi.
Saffron extracts contain crocetin, which has anti-tumor properties and the properties of stopping free radicals. In addition, it works to reduce fat.
A 2015 review published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine found that the chemical composition of saffron may be effective in preventing and treating many different types of cancer, but researchers point out that more studies are needed to confirm this. This information.
Benefits of saffron for the eyes: Saffron affects blood flow to the eye and retinal functions. Therefore, one of the benefits of saffron for the eyes is that it may protect against eye ischemia and age-related macular degeneration, which results in blindness.
The benefits of saffron proven in recent studies: One recent study studied the benefit of saffron by adding 100 milligrams of saffron to milk, and examining its effect on two groups of volunteers: volunteers with coronary heart disease, and volunteers who do not suffer from any diseases. They were compared to volunteers who ate only milk (no saffron added). The results showed that volunteers who consumed milk with saffron for 6 weeks had an increased percentage of antioxidants in their bodies. The ability of lipoprotein to oxidize has also decreased to good levels. While these changes were not observed in people who consumed milk without saffron.
Benefits of saffron proven in studies conducted on animals: Studies conducted on experimental animals have proven the presence of the following benefits of saffron:
Anti-Alzheimer's disease.
Reducing blood fats.
Anti-pain and anti-inflammatory.
It has anti-diabetic activity.
Benefits of saffron for depression: There are many anti-depressant benefits of saffron that may make saffron a good alternative for people who do not respond well to anti-depressant medications. Such as:
An old study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology showed that saffron is as effective as the drug fluoxetine in treating mild to moderate depression.
A study published in the Journal of Integrative Medicine also showed the effectiveness of using saffron to treat depression in adults over 18 years of age.
Researchers also found that saffron improves symptoms for people suffering from one type of depression, which is major depressive disorder.
For more: Maintaining a healthy body in old age

Uses of saffron in folk medicine
In addition to the therapeutic benefits of saffron mentioned previously, saffron has been used in folk medicine to treat a number of other medical conditions. The uses of saffron include the following:

Treating spasms or asthma and bronchospasm, but the German Society negatively evaluated the benefits of saffron for treating asthma and spasms.
Treating liver diseases and hepatomegaly.
Relieve pain.
Soothe and stimulate the digestive system, treat stomach diseases, reduce stomach pain, and relieve stress.
Sexual stimulant and aphrodisiac.
It is used in Indian folk medicine to balance hormones and control the response to stress and tension.
A supportive treatment for several types of cancer (but you must consult your doctor before trying it).
Nervous system stimulant.
Regulating the menstrual cycle and increasing its flow.
Expectorant treatment.
Treatment of high body temperature.
Treatment for insomnia and jaundice.
Treating measles, dysentery, and cholera.
An analgesic, diuretic, immune stimulant, and anticoagulant.
Lowering blood pressure and treating psoriasis.
It is used topically as a type of ointment to treat skin diseases. Such as acne and skin itching, and it also has a moisturizing and emollient effect on the skin.

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