Saffron Component

Crocin : is the reason for the distinctive color of saffron
(picrocrocin): a glycoside that is the reason for the distinctive taste of saffron
Carotenes-a / carotenes-b are active non-volatile antioxidants
Mayasim also contains an essential oil that contains an aromatic compound (safranal) (which is responsible for the smell) and contains a group of substances that protect the body from diseases and health problems, such as:
Volatile oils, which include pinene, cineole, borneol and geraniol, which in turn prevent the reactions carried out by free radical cells.
Saffron also contains high amounts of iron, which is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin in the blood.
 It also contains large amounts of potassium, which is necessary for the formation and formation of body cells

Saffron Bulbs in Jordan

Saffron Bulbs in Jordan

Saffron Bulbs in Jordan

Saffron Nutritional Supplements in Jordan

Saffron Farm in Jordan

Jordanian Saffron