Jordan Saffron Farm

High quality:

The saffron produced in our farms is considered one of the finest types, according to the testimony of specialists, except that it is fresh and is not stored for long periods, as is the case with the imported product, and therefore it retains all its oils and active ingredients. Security :

Once it is proven that saffron is Jordanian production and was produced under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Authority for Food and Drug, the customer’s confidence factor is greater in Jordanian saffron and thus his preference over the imported foreign product.

The most prominent contributions of Jordan Saffron Farm:

Establishing the first model saffron farm in Jordan.
Providing job opportunities for many of the people of the region.
Work to spread saffron cultivation in Jordan.
Saffron bulbs have been provided for those who wish at nominal prices.
Providing all the necessary advice to farmers and even amateurs, and continuous follow-up at all stages of the growth cycle.
Cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture through the National Center for Agricultural Research.
Training of cadres of engineers from the Ministry of Agriculture.
The Ministry of Agriculture and the National Center donated approximately 3,000 saffron bulbs, which were planted in the research stations of the National Center for Agricultural Research.
The spread of talk about Jordanian saffron through international news agencies and Arab channels.

Saffron Bulbs in Jordan

Saffron Bulbs in Jordan

Saffron Bulbs in Jordan

Saffron Nutritional Supplements in Jordan

Saffron Farm in Jordan

Jordanian Saffron